A common problem that most SEO companies face when optimizing a website is the slow loading of pages. This is detrimental in two ways it not only drives visitors away, but also has a negative effect on your Google rankings. Our simple tips to shorten the loading time of your website make a significant contribution to SEO success.

1. Externalize inline CSS code by putting it all in CSS files. This will reduce the page size and speeds up loading.

2. Reduce the number of JavaScript and CSS files by combining them if possible. In this process, you need to make sure that the files don’t become too heavy so you can avoid browser load times.

3. Remove unnecessary plugins and widgets. These are mostly external requests that should slow down your website.

4. Reset the order in which external files are loaded. Leave the CSS file loaded first and click again on the JavaScript file at the bottom of the page. Although there is no general impact on page speed, viewers seem to load pages faster.


Improve Website Load Times for Better Rankings
Once you’re done making the changes, you can measure the improvement in page load speeds using any of the several free online tools available or by simply reviewing the relevant statistics for your website in Google Webmaster Tools.

So whether you’re buying or selling seo packages, make sure you optimize the speed of your website. And let us know how we can help.

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